It would have been hard for Jamie to explain to anyone exactly how it happened. All he could remember was that one moment he was staring at this huge noisy crowd who were being led by Tank in their cruel cheering and excitement. Then, as he stared at them, he felt upset, scared and angry all at the same time. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and clenched his fists so hard he could feel his own fingernails pressing into the skin of his hands. It was only moments after he did this that Jamie realised the crowd had gone completely silent. He slowly opened his eyes to find out why this was and that was the moment he discovered he was no longer strapped to the bottom of the lamp post, but he was now looking down on the crowd of bemused faces.
Jamie could only stare in amazement as the rope became loose and slipped from his body then landed in a heap on the ground below. By this point he had risen up past the very lamp on the post he had been bound to only moments before. His body then stopped and hovered as he stretched his arms out in an attempt to balance himself in mid-air. Jamie could not believe what was happening to him, neither could any of the children below. There was a deathly hush as the crowd waited to see what would happen next. Jamie then felt the urge to point his finger out in front of him. As he did so his whole body flew forward at great speed then quickly came to a halt as he moved both his hands to his sides, the way you might do if you were trying to stop yourself from falling over. Again he hovered. He was now next to the leaves at the top of a tall tree on the other side of the road. Almost all of the children stared with their mouths wide open as they gazed in wonder. Then, a small boy from the class below Jamie’s shouted out, ‘Jamie can fly!’
There was a short pause, then the crowd burst into a loud chorus of cheering, clapping and whistling. The noise was even greater than it had been before and this time it was for Jamie rather than against him. The only people who were not cheering were Tank and Vern who still looked completely baffled. Even Eric was cheering until Tank clipped him round the ear disapprovingly.
A huge grin formed on Jamie’s face as the reality of the moment sunk in, ‘I can fly!’ he said. He then pointed back in the direction of the lamp post and stopped himself once more above the crowd who continued to watch with thrilled expressions upon their faces. Jamie looked down at Eric, Vern and Tank. He noticed the tub of itching powder was no longer in Tank’s hands, but was now lying sideways on the ground a few metres behind him. (Tank had dropped the itching powder the moment Jamie flew for the first time.) Jamie’s eyebrows then raised and his grin became even wider as he realised he had the perfect idea!
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