
'Professor Floyd'
The eccentric expert of story creation. With his selection of key ingredients and ideas he will use the help of many children to bring plenty of new stories to life!


Vern, Eric and Tank
Clarence the Third

A mouse

The Man Who Wanted A Shave

‘Ooh, what a tasty leaf!’

...over a mole mound...

'Here I come!'


The sound was getting louder and nearer...

''re orange and furry...'

Jasper spots the sternwheeler

The hot air balloon

The chair in the shed

'YELP!' cried Froggy Man

The Ring Master

'Goodbye Froggy Man!'

Joel the Sheep

Best friends

They played 'it' in the park

They would dress up as 'Weirdoes'

Laundry Mountain

Weirdoes just love to climb