Monday 9 January 2012

Tunnel Vision (Chapter 6)

Returning to the source

On the little amount of light Charlie had left, he rushed back towards the light.  Before long he had returned, back to that glorious place.  He was out of breath and in need of a good rest, and this was the very place for just that.
As he was resting and enjoying being back, he told some of the other people there about where he had been and what he had seen.  He managed to speak to the hearts of many of those people, who then realised how important it was to get back in the tunnel, to the many lost people.
Charlie then got back on his feet, and took a fresh candle.  The many he had talked to did the same.  Then, together, they lit their candles… together they walked towards the tunnel… together they would take the light to the people.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Tunnel Vision (Chapter 5)

Standing out

As Charlie ventured into the darkness he discovered many things.  The further down the line he got, the worse the people and the tunnel seemed to become.
His candle lit up rats; what seemed to be huge animal traps, and then past those… skeletons and fleshy remains.  The smell also increased, it was becoming unbearable for Charlie, but his flame helped burn away the worst of the stench around him.
The state of the people in the line was deteriorating.  The more Charlie went on, the more miserable, desperate, confused, angry and scared the people became.  The noise, which the woman had thought was the sound of cheering, turned into the sound of screaming and shouting in pain.  Some of the people would shout at Charlie and mock him because of his light – he stood out from them.  But Charlie’s biggest concern was not for his own safety and well being, as he knew where to go.  He was far more distressed by the fact that so many of these people were heading towards destruction and missing the true glory of the light. 
As things began to get really hectic Charlie looked down at his candle.
He was shocked to find the candle had dropped dangerously low.  If he did not turn back there and then, his candlelight would vanish and he would be stuck in that place for a long time!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Tunnel Vision (Chapter 4)

Stepping back into the darkness

There he found himself again, back in that tunnel he once knew.  Charlie was nervous, yet he felt confident with his understanding of the light, and the light he was holding with him. 
As he got further into the tunnel he began to see people.  He approached the first person he came to; it was a young woman.  As she turned to him, he immediately said to her ‘You’re going the wrong way!’
The woman was quite taken aback by this comment, but then responded, ‘I don’t think I am!’
‘You are, trust me! I’ve seen the light, look behind you!’
‘No thank you, I think I’ll carry on my own way.’
‘What makes you believe this is the right way?’
‘Look for yourself.’
Charlie moved his candle and saw that ahead of this woman was a long line of people, each person following the next.
‘Everyone else is going that way,’ she said.
‘Well where does the line lead?’
‘I don’t know exactly, but there are so many following the line, there must be something great at the end.  If you listen carefully you can sometimes hear some cheering... so it must be good!’
Charlie then took his candle and walked further down this long line of people.

Friday 6 January 2012

Tunnel Vision (Chapter 3)

Lighting the way

Just as he was turning back to the tunnel, Charlie noticed something great.  He saw a huge, fiercely burning flame.  It seemed central to the place he was in, and it captivated his gaze.  He saw people approaching the flame with candles.  They were lighting their candles from the flame.  Charlie then realised that if he were to go back into the tunnel, he would need one of these candles to light the way, especially if he were heading into the darkest parts of the tunnel.  So Charlie took a candle and lit it from the flame.  He was now ready to step back into the unknown.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Tunnel Vision (Chapter 2)

A desire to lead others

After making the decision, it seemed like a moment before Charlie was just a few metres away from the end of the tunnel.  As he got nearer, he saw more, and his excitement increased.  He began to run.  The hard surface of the tunnel path vanished – Charlie was out!
He dropped to his knees in amazement!  This was the most beautiful place he had ever seen!  His ecstatic joy caused him to laugh out loud!  The green pastures, the perfect blue sky, the coloured rocks and varying landscapes all around were just a taste of some of the things Charlie saw and experienced.  He found many other people there, each full of joy and buzzing with the excitement of a 5-year-old child on Christmas Eve!
‘This is great!’ thought Charlie.  ‘This is where I belong… I’m home!’  But just as he said that, he was hit by a strong feeling of discomfort.  ‘What about all those people still in that tunnel?  They’ve got to know about this place!’ 
As much as Charlie wanted to stay in this beautiful place and never leave, he also felt a great desire to go back into the tunnel he was once in and tell others of the good news.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Tunnel Vision (Chapter 1)

The Discovery

Charlie emerged from a manhole.  He found his footing on a solid surface then looked up to see that he was in a dark place.  The echo of his footsteps bounced within the surrounding area.  ‘What is this place?’ Charlie thought to himself. 
As he crept forward he stretched out his arm in hope that he would find something.  His mind began to materialise thoughts and questions. 
Contact!  His hand pressed against something.  It was solid – a wall!  He brought his other arm forward and began to explore it with both of his hands.  Feeling across, it seemed as though this wall was long and could possibly lead on for quite a way.  Then, as he moved his hands up the surface, Charlie could feel the wall beginning to curve, moving up and over him.  It soon became apparent to Charlie that he was in, what seemed to be, a huge tunnel.
SLAM… clink!  Charlie was shocked to hear the manhole close.  He could not see where it had gone.  Looking one way he could see a tiny dot of light.  When he turned the other way he saw nothing but blackness.  He was now faced with a decision – which way?
Is it not obvious that he heads towards the light?  A way out, surely!
His thoughts, however, were not so straightforward,
‘I guess it would make sense to head towards the light.  But I’m sure I can hear noises… voices coming from the other way.  I don’t know what might be the other way?  What if there is a door a bit further down there?  A way out!  Maybe I should explore it quickly.’
Just as he was going to make his decision, Charlie heard some laughter.
It came from the light end of the tunnel.
‘What was that about, why are they so happy?’
In an instant, Charlie was drawn with curiosity and wonder towards the light, just before he had taken the chance to explore the darkness.  Charlie had made his decision – he would walk towards the light.